NHS Bill to get its 10 Minutes – 13 July

The NHS Bill will  get a brief presence in parliament this month. Margaret Greenwood MP has now secured a Ten Minute Rule Slot for Wednesday 13 July.

This follows an all-party meeting to support the NHS Bill at the House of Commons  on Tuesday 28th June

A well attended meeting heard Rachael Maskell MP pledge support for the Bill, Caroline Lucas again spoke of her support to re-establish the NHS free from the privateers.
Professor Modi, president of RCPCH, spoke of the harm that has been to paediatric services since the 2012 Health and Social Care Act (HSCA) was passed with increasing fragmentation disrupting the co-ordination of services essential for child http://premier-pharmacy.com/product/cipro/ health.
Clare Gerada gave more evidence of the harm done by the HSCA resulting in General Practice, once the Jewel in the Crown of the NHS being reduced to a service struggling to survive.
The best answer to these problems is the NHS Bill and Margaret Greenwood MP has now secured a Ten Minute Rule Slot for Wed 13 July. ‘Don’t hold your breath’ may be the cynical conclusion: but this represents movement in the right direction.  The NHS Bill  is not confined to the oblivion this government wants for it. And we will not be giving up any time soon.


Eric Watts – Chairman, Doctors for the NHS

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