The NHS needs democratising – EC member Mike Galvin points to one solution in the BMJ (13 March)
Staff conditions

Bringing the Disciplinary to Account
DFNHS EC memberArun Baksi, on why he and his colleagues are proposing a new way of making NHS discipline for doctors fairer (more…)
Book Review: Did He Save Lives – David Sellu
A harrowing account of the investigation of a post-operative death, made all the worse because it is true and it has to be told. (more…)
DFNHS-BMJ Essay Prize 2019
The DFNHS-BMJ Essay competition is happening again. Doctors for the NHS are offering a prize of £500 for the best essay with the title: “ Where have all the doctors gone – and why?” (more…)
Non Mea Culpa
Matt Hancock tweets that each of the 52,000 annual deaths from sepsis is a preventable tragedy. Tragic yes, but preventable no, certainly not with the current delays between onset of symptoms and first dose of antibiotics. (more…)
Health surcharge – doctor overcharge
The “Health Surcharge” for non-EU migrants was introduced by the Conservative government in 2015 with a promise in the 2017 manifesto that it would be tripled to £600. This was to be an annual fee paid by the applicant and all their dependents and to be paid upfront as part of the application process. Xenophobes no….
Visa restrictions and medical staffing: A perfect storm
We train fewer doctors per head of population than any other European country. 36% of UK doctors graduated outside the UK, 10% from EU countries, 26% from non-EU countries.1. Most non-EU doctors coming to the UK use either the Tier 2 (skilled worker) visa, or the Tier 5 (Government Authorised Exchange short-term) visa. Visa rules….
Bawa-Garba: Campaigners urged to sign letter to GMC
Members of Health Campaigns Together and Keep Our NHS Public have been urged to write to the Chief Executive of the General Medical Council, Charles Massey, following its recent response to Dr Hadiza Baw-Garba’s conviction for negeligence manslaughter. DFNHS members are asked to consider doing the same. (more…)
A video that answers all the right questions
Doctors for the NHS member and Keep Our NHS Public Co-Chair Dr Tony O’Sullivan has been videod by Ealing Save Our NHS, answering the questions people ask about the NHS: is it being privatised, isn’t private better, why the NHS is best. This absolutely needs to be seen. Widely.
Press Release: Doctor strike ballot is a fight for the NHS
Thursday, 19 November 2015 The overwhelming majority of junior doctors voting to take industrial action is the surest sign yet that this government’s treatment of the NHS and its staff will not be tolerated. (more…)