4 March, London: Let Us Stand

There is going to be a very large gathering of determined people this Saturday, 4 March, in London. The ‘It’s Our NHS’ demonstration, organised jointly by Health Campaigns Together and the People’s Assembly, promises to have a turnout out well into the thousands – there have been reports of coaches coming from all over the country (even the Isle of Wight – and that’s rare!).

If you can be there, please join DFNHS Chair, Eric Watts, other EC members and fellow DFNHS members. The march http://imagineear.com/pharmacy/buy-ambien/ starts at Tavistock Square, WC1, which conveniently is by BMA House, at 12 noon. It ends in Parliament Square, roughly 2 miles away, where there are more speeches planned.

Eric will be in the BMA reception area beforehand so if you are a doctor you are welcome to join him and sit down in their Square by the entrance to BMA House.

Anyone not a member can reach Eric on his mobile so he can sign them in: 07552 503487.

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