AGM 2017: Justin Madders to speak

Justin Madders, MP, will be speaking to DFNHS members at this year’s AGM in York, on Saturday 7 October.




This is our main event of the year, with opportunity to meet each other, exchange views and plan our strategy.

It will be the first since the surprise 2017 General Election, which gives us new opportunity for influencing political decisions..

There will be coffee etc from 11am with the formal AGM starting at 11.30. We will be electing the Executive Committee for the next twelve months and would be pleased to have nominations – or volunteers – in advance or at the meeting. Committee meetings are held in London five times a year, at a venue convenient for main line stations. Travel expenses are paid.

The afternoon Conference will, as last year, aim at maximum member involvement,

with invited speakers, some from our own ranks, to make initial contributions to the various sessions to inform and stimulate the discussion.

The major topic will be STP, the Sustainability and Transformation Plans which are causing great concern round the whole of England.

Speakers to lead the discussions:-

  • Vivek Kotecha from the Centre for Health and the Public Interest who has a background in finance and is author of “The Five Year Forward View – do the numbers add up?”
  • Gurjinder Singh, author of another CHPI report “Can we afford to close any more A & E departments? Evidence from North West London”

Two of our own members will be speaking on the issues in their own specialties:-

 Brigid Hayden on Obstetrics and  David Wrigley on General Practice

The afternoon will conclude with the Paul Noone Memorial Lecture

This year it will be delivered by Justin Madders, Shadow Minister for Health and MP for Ellesmere Port.

Following this there will be an Informal Meal together at Bedern Hall at about 6pm to which members are welcome to bring a guest. The timings have been arranged so that most people can get home the same day.

To attend, please print off the form and send to Dr Peter Fisher, payment by cheque.

You can contact Peter on [email protected]

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