Doctors for the NHS – official launch Monday 2nd March 2:00 pm

Grimond Room, Portcullis House, Bridge Street London SW1A 2LW

Introduction by Rt Hon Frank Dobson MP, Secretary of State for Health 1997 -99

Principal speakers

  1. Dr Eric Watts, co-chair DFNHS: Why Doctors for the NHS  is needed now.
  2. Dr Peter Fisher, founding member of the NHS Consultants’ Association and President of DFNHS: The expansion of the NHS Consultants’ Association into Doctors for the NHS.
  3. Dr Clare Gerarda, immediate past president of RCGP: The Challenge to GPs in the current NHS.
  4. Dr Wendy Savage, chair of Keep our NHS Public: The Public Voice on the NHS.
  5. Prof Allyson Pollock, professor of public health research and policy at Queen Mary University of London: The NHS Reinstatement Bill.
  6. Dr Peter Trewby, previously Acute Physician: Stress on Hospitals and the A&E crisis.

Be there if you can

See BMJ report :

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