Save our Surgeries Join us 19th March

Please join us at the Save Our Surgeries protest Thursday 19th March 2pm on the large traffic island at the junction of Commercial Road, Burdett Road, East India Dock Road, West India Dock Road. This is at the top of Gill Street where Limehouse practice – featured in BBC1 Inside Out London on Monday evening – is based. The protest will build on the very positive response to this programme, and keep the issue in the public, press and government’s eye. The SOS slogan – A threat to one is a threat to all – will be used as there are many practices at risk due to government cuts to general practice funding. Please come along, bring your friends, work colleagues, family. Newham health campaigners please bring your puppets. If anyone has Save our Surgeries placards or other banners please bring them too. Wear your SOS t-shirt with pride.

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