AGM and Conference 2021: York, 2 October

Booking for AGM & Conference, York, 2 October

This year we are encouraging members to book online, via Eventbrite.

You can opt either to attend in person (which we hope you will), or ‘tune in’ via Zoom if you would prefer to or are still wary about travel and meeting in public. The venue for our AGM, Bedern Hall in York, is well ventilated and we will be taking all suitable precautions.

If you want to attend in person and stay for the evening meal, you can book this through the ‘live event’ Eventbrite page. We are offering a reduced booking rate for doctors-in training.

To book to attend in person (and for the evening meal, if you wish), please go to:

The ‘Live’ Eventbrite page

You can attend and pay on the day but if you wish to stay for evening meal, this must be booked and paid for in advance.

To book to ‘tune in’ online and watch the meeting via Zoom, please go to:

The ‘Online’ Eventbrite page


You can download the AGM documents and the reports from the Officers and organisations here:

  • Agenda for AGM 2021
  • Minutes for AGM 2020
  • Chairman’s Report (Colin Hutchinson)
  • Hon Treasurer’s Report  and Accounts (Peter Trewby)
  • Communications Report (Alan Taman)
  • Keep Our NHS Public
  • NHS Federation



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