Babylon – a beguiling curse?

‘Your merchants were the great men of the earth, because all the nations were deceived by your sorcery’ – Revelation 18:1-24 The bedrock of general practice – and indeed the NHS itself – is that all of us will need healthcare at some point in our lives, most of us will not need it for….

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Let there be hope – the patient is still alive

Dare we hope? A string of celebrations mark the NHS’s 70th anniversary later this month. The government has backtracked on allowing doctors into the UK from non-EU countries, and a few days ago promised more cash for the NHS – with the added rarity of a serving Conservative government openly admitting this funding would come….

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Health Select Committee: More Support

Some of our biggest concerns about ACOs received very welcome endorsement from Parliament’s Health Select Committee in their report Integrated care: organisations, partnerships and systems published this week. (more…)

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Judicial Review on ACOs granted: Might there be hope?

The High Court on 26 January granted permission to Professor Stephen Hawking, DFNHS Chair Dr Colin Hutchinson, Professor Allyson Pollock, Professor Sue Richards and Dr Graham Winyard to bring a judicial review against the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Jeremy Hunt, and NHS England to challenge the introduction of accountable care organisations….

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