News / Blog

Judicial Review on ACOs granted: Might there be hope?

The High Court on 26 January granted permission to Professor Stephen Hawking, DFNHS Chair Dr Colin Hutchinson, Professor Allyson Pollock, Professor Sue Richards and Dr Graham Winyard to bring a judicial review against the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Jeremy Hunt, and NHS England to challenge the introduction of accountable care organisations….

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Judicial Review launched to stop ACOs

A campaign seeking a judicial review to stop the Secretary of State, Jeremy Hunt, from bringing forward technical changes to regulations that would facilitate the introduction of Accountable Care Organisations (ACOs) in England was launched last week: and DFNHS members are being asked to support it. (more…)

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Some Short Sharable Videos on the NHS

A collection of short presentations in video format interviewing Caroline Molloy, Editor of OurNHS – ideal for sharing  The controlled demolition of the NHS The massive scale of privatisation The state of nursing On Theresa May, Brexit, Trump and the NHS      

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