News / Blog

The EWTD: An idea whose time has gone?

With the Brexiteers having won the race to the bottom of the credibility pole, could this cloud of confusion have a silver lining? If there was one thing that broke the back of a failing Emergency Service, it was the European Working Time Directive (EWTD). (more…)

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Support the NHS Bill: Rally this Wednesday 11 July, London

RALLY AT PARLIAMENT 12.30-14.00 WEDNESDAY 13TH JULY to support the Bill’s reading under the ’10 minute rule’.  LOCATION: Between College Green and St Margaret’s Church, on the triangular wide pavement area near the statue of King George V. Opposite from the public entrance to Parliament, Abingdon Street, London. Nearest tube: Westminster Please bring campaign banners,….

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Is Labour about to wake up?

At what could be a formative meeting between John McDonnell (Shadow Cnancellor), Heidi Alexander (Shadow spokesperson for health) and around 40 NHS campaigners, there was the promise of a fruitful way forwards to save the NHS from ruin, and NHS staff from further despair. (more…)

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Keeping it simple – The lost art?

Throughout all the plethora of changes imposed on the NHS by successive governments, the increasing complexity of virtually everything is one of the most striking features. We meet it everywhere in the use, or abuse, of language. Those of us obliged by the nature of our jobs or involvement in local campaigns to attend meetings….

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