News / Blog

This is n ot an ambulance pic

Physician Associates: Death Row for the Family Doctor?

It is clear that doctors in our NHS are increasingly unhappy and the workforce is crumbling fromdemoralisation and abandonment. This situation has been gestating for many years. Government and planners have hoped to substantially remedy this problem by depressurising doctors by delegating substantially more of their workload to other staff and agencies. This ‘substantially more’….

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Red parcel

75 years on

I never knew my grandmother. She died from cervical cancer, 13 years before I was born. She died in agony, because the family could not afford medicine or dressings to relieve her pain. (more…)

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The fight of your life

We have been saying the NHS is under serious threat for so long now it gives no pleasure to see it happening on such a scale that you can’t avoid it. The long-awaited Workforce Plan promises much but is long overdue –  we welcome that, but ask: look at the record.  (more…)

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