Your views

The EWTD: An idea whose time has gone?

With the Brexiteers having won the race to the bottom of the credibility pole, could this cloud of confusion have a silver lining? If there was one thing that broke the back of a failing Emergency Service, it was the European Working Time Directive (EWTD). (more…)

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Letter to MP about NHS Reforms & Cancer (NE Essex)

Dear Brooks Newmark (MP for Braintree, Essex), I am writing to you to express my concerns about the Coalition’s proposed re-organisation of the NHS. As a hospital consultant working in Colchester and treating many of your constituents I had got used to the “constant change to give the illusion of progress” agenda of the previous….

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The pot, the kettle and the big stick

As from April 1st 2011, Hospital Trusts will be fined for every breach of the privacy and dignity rules sanctioned by the Government1. These rules decree that where patients have to share their sleeping accommodation with members of the opposite sex, the offending Trust will be fined £250 for every day that the breach persists…..

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Who is writing the obituary of the NHS?

Were you aware that David Nicholson was a one-time active member of the communist party and also emptied the nation’s lunatic asylums by chucking their inmates back into the community? Like Beeching (the railways’ executioner) but wearing a White Paper coat. Now he is the NHS Supremo, heading up the latest super-quango i.e. the….

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WR Positive Doctors

Although one would expect the current ills of the NHS to be multi-factorial it has been suggested that much of this is down to the Wayne Rooney syndrome, where the exorbitant financial demands of superstar footballers and their tetchy relationships with managers are bankrupting football clubs1. It was also suggested that the NHS in the….

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Private v NHS Hospital Care

Recently Margaret Thatcher was admitted to the Cromwell Hospital in London suffering with a flu-like illness. Why did she choose such a prestigious private hospital instead of her local NHS District General Hospital? This is a question which raises other questions but it is unlikely that we will receive any truly honest answers. However, there….

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