NHS Consultations: Make Your Voice Heard

No time to lose – make your voice heard

NHS England began their promised public consultation on the contract that would underpin their reincarnation of Accountable Care Organisations in August.

They have already held four public events, in Leeds and London. Colin Hutchinson, Chair of DFNHS, attended one of the Leeds events and raised several concerns, over and above that which featured in the conclusion of the Health Select Committee inquiry into integrated care – that , if ACOs were to be introduced, they “should be NHS bodies and established in primary legislation”.
If you have particular views on the risks of this policy, please make these heard by responding to the consultation on-line. There is also an ongoing consultations on the restriction of a basket of “procedures of limited clinical value” and the possible extension of these restrictions to a much wider range of treatments, which could have a grave impact on the doctor-patient relationship and professional clinical decision-making. There is still time to comment, before this consultation closes on 28th September. Details here:
There is also a consultation on the “long term plan for the NHS”, which closes on 29th September
It is vital that all of us with any interest at all in the future of the NHS should contribute our views.
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