Press Enquiries

We aim to present the facts about what is happening to the NHS, analyses, and suggested solutions to the public, policy makers and other NHS staff. Because we believe that if these were widely known and appreciated, what is happening to the NHS, and what it is threatened with unless something is done, would be questioned far more than they currently are. 

We recognise the role of the media in facilitating and influencing this. The media matter. We want journalists to listen to us. We want to hear from you.

Our professional media and communications contact is Alan Taman. He has many years’ experience as a health journalist and has worked in the NHS as a senior communications manager.

He will be happy to furnish you with a quote, or an interview, or useful resources. As importantly, he will be happy to give off-record advice on health matters relating to the group (we get many enquiries from journalists asking advice).

Please contact Alan if you have any question about Doctors for the NHS:

Tel: 07870 757 309 (24 hours)

Latest Releases and Information

For DFNHS press releases and other recent information, please see our Doctors for the NHS News page.

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