The Peter Fisher Essay Prize 2023 – First Prize £500

Doctors for the NHS in association with the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine is delighted to announce the  Peter Fisher Essay Prize for 2023. 

Doctors in training are invited to enter. £500 first prize, £200 second prize. The title this year is:

“Is the 1948 model of access to free healthcare for all still appropriate today?”

Open to all doctors in training

• The essay should be under 2000 words (excluding references) and use the title shown above. Entrants should insert their name, current post and email address below the title

• Closing date for submission 31st July 2023

• Winning and runners-up essays will be published in the DFNHS newsletter and website and be considered for publication in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine.

• Essays should be submitted by email to:

• Any questions about the competition can be sent to this address

PDF of flyer

Doctors for the NHS was founded in 1976 by, amongst others, Dr Peter Fisher (after whom this prize is named) who believed in an NHS that was for the benefit of all patients, was not for profit, and was free at the point of delivery. Our sole purpose is to fight for the NHS and the public it serves. Membership is open to all doctors who share these commitments.


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