A question of trust

The Times of 8th February, reported that the Government is developing legislation that would fundamentally reform the 2012 Act, rather than the more limited workarounds that Simon Stevens wanted to enable the formation of Integrated / Accountable Care Organisations. It would be lovely to believe that this Government is planning legislation based on the NHS Reinstatement….

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Doctors for the NHS believes universal, comprehensive healthcare is a basic human right and the mark of a civilised country. It is not compatible with a market based on commercial contracts, which is what has been increasingly imposed on our NHS since 1990. (more…)

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The Crisis in General Practice

General Practice is a bit of an oddity. While an integral and fundamental part of the NHS it has never been a service directly provided by the NHS, but instead provided through GPs as independent contractors. Yet it is widely regarded as the bedrock of our health care system and partly responsible for its efficiency…..

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No Way to Treat Visitors

NHS staff are begin forced to query someone’s nationality before they treat them under this government’s ‘hostile environment’ policy. And for what? 0.3% of NHS costs, according to Dr James Skinner, from Medact, who spoke at this year’s AGM in York. And the human cost? (more…)

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Free screenings of new NHS film

A hard hitting, fast paced and well crafted new film, describing the journey of the NHS from its founding to the present day is receiving free screenings around Britain between 14th and 18th of October. Under the knife is directed by Emmy award-winning director Susan Steinberg and narrated by Alison Steadman. (more…)

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