Media and Press

The Fight to Save Britain’s NHS

The following remarks were delivered to the Annual Meeting of Physicians for a National Health Program in Washington, D.C., on Oct. 29 2011 My American husband said – talk slowly otherwise they won’t understand your accent. Added to that handicap I have rather lost my voice so I’m really hoping you can understand me today…..

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Peter Fisher writing in The Guardian

In the Response column (29th April) Dr Howard Stoate* sets the record straight showing that David Cameron was wrong, as well as patronizing, at PMQ. However Dr Stoate’s explanation goes much further in undermining the justification for the Health and Social Care Bill, which is claimed to be that of giving a bigger role for….

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Mark Aitken – Essex County Standard

Anglian Community Enterprise’s (ACE) plans to help more people to lead healthier lives sounds exciting, but no matter how keenly you follow a healthy lifestyle none of us are going to live for ever. Sooner or later we will find ourselves in need of hospital treatment and for those living in and around Colchester we….

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Bob Woodd Walker – Essex County Standard

You report the ‘birth’ of Anglian Community Enterprise with a budget of £50million. “ACE will be driven by market forces.” “It will be run along the lines of a business.” Your photo is of the signing of a “business transfer agreement.” Naturally we want the NHS to be run efficiently, but the risk is that….

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