The NHS Care Bill as currently proposed has not so much a loophole in it to allow private providers to slice off the bits of the NHS they want to profit from as a gaping back door, an open funnel through which to cajole, influence and drain public cash into private provider hands – with….
NHS Threats
NHS Bill amendment will not prevent private company piracy
Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) will still have the power to appoint private health companies, despite the promised amendment to the Health & Care Bill currently going through Parliament. A further amendment is needed to prevent ICBs from acting completely outside of parliamentary control, and providing private health companies with the opportunity to influence how the….
Essay Competition 2021
Doctors for the NHS are running our essay competition again this year, in association with the Journal of the Royal society of Medicine, open to all doctors in training. (more…)
Evidence on the White Paper for Service Integration
Colin Hutchinson, DFNHS Chair, has submitted evidence on behalf of DFNHS to the Select Committee looking at the White Paper proposals to integrate health and social care. A cautious welcome but pointing out the risks that this could be a ‘back door’ to commercialisation at scale.
Private sector profiteers – a condemnation
David Rowland, the Director of the Centre for Health and Public Interest, has written a searing condemnation of the way the private sector is sucking up billions of taxpayers’ money supposedly to ‘help’ during this unique crisis for the NHS but in fact draining it of its most vital resource: consultant labour. (more…)
Integrated Care Systems – Our View
Doctors for the NHS Chair, Mr Colin Hutchinson, has submitted our view on the proposed rollout of Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) in England to NHS England in response to their call for views. You can read it in full here (or download as a PDF): (more…)
Protect the NHS – keep the clause – save lives
Doctors for the NHS are asking people to write to their local press to try to stop the government from removing a vital piece of legislation that would protect the NHS from hostile trade negotiations. Because taking this government at its word is foolish. (more…)
DFNHS Chair points to Test and Trace failures on Newsnight
Doctors for the NHS Chair Colin Hutchinson, acting in his capacity as local Councillor, pointed out the (many) shortcomings of the current test & trace system on Newsnight [16m 20s] on 11 November. (more…)
2020 Vision: Winning essay and runners-up 2020
The winning essay to our Essay Competition – in association with the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine – this year delivered a powerful argument for democratising healthcare. By Joseph Freer. You can download it from here. (more…)
A system that works: Calderdale Test and Trace
A local solution to test and trace that gives local people protection. The deficiencies of the National Test and Trace system are being highlighted on a daily basis, but with little detailed discussion of how it could be improved. Many countries that have performed much better than the UK have been clear that effective contact….