Essay Competition 2022

We are delighted to announce our 2022 Essay Competition, the first year for the Peter Fisher Essay Competition Prize, in association with the Royal Society of Medicine and the Journal of the RSM. First prize: £500. PLUS a year’s FREE membership to the RSM!

  • Second prize: £200.
  • Open to all doctors in training.
  • Essays should be under 2000 words (excluding references) and use the title:
  • “To what extent are commerce and compassion compatible in healthcare?”

  • Closing date for submission 31st July 2022.
  • Winning and runners-up essays will be published in the DFNHS newsletter and website and be considered for publication in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine.
  • Essays should be submitted by email to:
  • Any questions about the competition can be sent to this address.
  • Essay flyer.

The Essay is named after Dr Peter Fisher, a founding member of DFNHS and President for many years, who died last year.


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