Free screenings of new NHS film

A hard hitting, fast paced and well crafted new film, describing the journey of the NHS from its founding to the present day is receiving free screenings around Britain between 14th and 18th of October. Under the knife is directed by Emmy award-winning director Susan Steinberg and narrated by Alison Steadman.

It tells its story with rarely seen archive footage, lively animated sequences and specially recorded interviews, both from politicians who have been directly involved in shaping the NHS, people whose lives have been touched by the NHS and from those close to delivering the sharp end of the service, including several members of DFNHS.

The film gives the lie to the idea that the current problems of the NHS are simply down to a lack of funding, but to a more systematic process of commercialisation and undermining of the principles of universal healthcare upon which it was founded.

The producers of the film want it to be seen as widely as possible, so that those who work in the service, those who are fighting to keep those principles at the heart of the NHS, and the public who still value it and wish it to thrive, can better understand the forces that are taking it further away from that vision, and confront them effectively.

A trailer which gives a taste of the film and tickets for the free screenings can be found at

“Films, like words, can be weapons. This film is a weapon in our struggle to save the NHS. There should be details of the film in every hospital reception, every GP’s waiting room, every community centre.”

– Ken Loach, film director, BAFTA winner and twice recipient of the Palme d’Or.

If you can get those details into your workplace, please print off a flyer from this website without delay. These free screenings are only 14-18 October.


Colin Hutchinson

Chair, DFNHS


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