The Greatest Show on Earth? It should be

The power of entertainment will be used to tell the truth about what is happening to the NHS: it will also give a very good night out. Bring Back the NHS is a star-studded celebration about the NHS and will happen on Friday 24 April at Westminster Hall, London, 1900. 

Hosted by Sir Ian McKellen, this one-off event celebrates the incredible everyday stories of the NHS. Patients, nurses, doctors, a few household names, and more are coming together to describe how the NHS and its values have been gradually eroded – and what people can do to bring it back.

The format will be short (3-4 min) speeches on topics close to the speaker’s heart, woven into an overall narrative on how the NHS has been eroded, why it is so essential, and what can be done.

Although Bring Back the NHS is strictly non-party political,  campaign groups will have the opportunity to have a stall in a foyer of the hall so that people can visit them before and after the event.

The full list of celebrities will be announced over the coming days, but most of the programme will give a cross-section of the NHS and its patients.

The overall objective is to gain national attention and make the NHS unignorable before the election. To ask people to ‘vote with the NHS in mind’ and to provide them with information on how they can act to save the NHS from its continuing destruction.

Tickets are only £10 each (concessions, £7.50). Tell your colleagues. Tell your friends. Tell everybody. And, of course, if you possibly can, turn up. This will be a night to remember. And – in the hopes of all who are organising, performing, and attending – a night to make a difference.


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