Who is writing the obituary of the NHS?

Were you aware that David http://pharmacy-no-rx.net/viagra_generic.html Nicholson was a one-time active member of the communist party and also emptied the nation’s lunatic asylums by chucking their inmates back into the community? Like Beeching (the railways’ executioner) but wearing a White Paper coat. Now he is the NHS Supremo, heading up the latest super-quango i.e. the NHS Commissioning Board (NHSCB). His powers are phenomenal and permit him to go ahead with the reforms listed in the current Healthcare Bill before it has received the seal of legislative approval from Parliament.

But will his head roll if the legislation, which he is busily implementing, is not approved? Not on your nelly!

If you thought that the current fly in the NHS ointment was the Secretary of State for Health or the Prime Minister, then think again. The backroom boys in the civil service have been formulating the current medicine for many years, no doubt egged on by that bogey, Culpability Brown. The colour of the medicine may change from one political administration to another but it will still taste bitter and like most alternative remedies it will not cure the underlying disease.

In order to be able to drive our NHS charabanc you need to pass the prescribed driving test. The chief driving instructor of the BSM – no, not the British School of Motoring but the British School of Making-money- from-the-medical-misfortunes-of-the-masses – or more correctly the BSMmmmm – is David Nicholson. He has been instrumental in designing the NHS Highway Code. Those who pass his proficiency test will be given permission to drive this ageing vehicle, but his police force will pull them over if they fail to obey his code of practice.

Was David Nicholson democratically elected to perform this role? No. Like most bureaucrats he was put forward as the main candidate by the civil service bureaucronies, and the politicians in power at the time approved the appointment. The politicians can sack him, but then they would have to find a replacement from the same civil service cesspool. Where in this mishmash of GP Consortia and PCT Clusters is the voice of secondary care to be heard? No-where! Silenced! Totally ignored!

Will David Nicholson turn up at 03.00hrs and explain to a patient in A&E that the NHS emergency budget has been exhausted and they must now go to some sort of third world (privately run) alternative instead? Pull the other one!

Are we fatalistic passengers on our NHS charabanc; are we trying to get out before David Nicholson finds the secret which will cause the vehicle to career over the cliffs; or are we trying to wrestle the driver from the controls?

If we want to get our NHS vehicle, off the never-ending circuitous diversions that are heading to the cliff edge, then we will have to change the NHS Highway Code in order to get back on to the main highway. To do that either the chief instructor will have to make a U turn, fall on his sword or be eliminated.

So is this mealy mouthed communist turned capitalist to be trusted with the NHS when he uses the word patients as a euphemism for profits?

Is there a skeleton in the Wikileaks database waiting to be released? If there is, then let it out before this megalomaniac obliterates Nye Bevan’s vision of a caring, compassionate, un-fragmented national health service.

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