NHS Threats

Cancer Services Not For Profit

The highly controversial 700 million tender for Cancer Care in Staffordshire has been leaked and published on line on opendemocracy.org. It’s a must, but alarming, read by  Caroline Molloy, the editor-in-chief of  OurNHS. She writes : The leaked proposals include handing all responsibility for commissioning cancer services for 800,000 patients to a ‘prime provider’ – which….

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Save our Surgeries Join us 19th March

Please join us at the Save Our Surgeries protest Thursday 19th March 2pm on the large traffic island at the junction of Commercial Road, Burdett Road, East India Dock Road, West India Dock Road. This is at the top of Gill Street where Limehouse practice – featured in BBC1 Inside Out London on Monday evening….

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Purchaser Provider Split

The purchaser-provider split is an artificial distinction. It does not reflect real-life medicine where the GP (labelled as “purchaser”) provides far more day-to-day medical care than the hospital (labelled as “the provider”). Less than 10% of GP referrals are referred to hospital and most of those will in due course be referred back to the….

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Excellent Guardian article about PFIs and a potential solution

Deborah Orr’s well written article (Weekend Guardian – 30.06.12.) exposes all the iniquities of the flawed PFI process which has lumbered the NHS with enormous capital debts. She rightly points out that politicians of all parties have at one time or another supported this devious bit of legislation. However Deborah, along with all the parliamentarians….

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An NHS beyond the market

While dedicated to the abolition of the NHS market, the NHSCA recognises the need to put forward constructive alternatives. On June 14th a round-table event was held for this purpose. It was hosted by the BMA in association with the NHSCA, the NHS Support Federation, and the Keep Our NHS Public campaign (see June Newsletter)….

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The Meaning of QHATSCH

There has been some limited debate amongst committee members about the use of rude words on our website. It occurred to me that we could dispense with the voluminous list of Anglo Saxon obscenities and import a very emphatic word from the German vocabulary. Quatsch is an expletive with onomatopoeic explosiveness. For those not versed….

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