News / Blog

Doctors for the NHS – official launch Monday 2nd March 2:00 pm

Grimond Room, Portcullis House, Bridge Street London SW1A 2LW Introduction by Rt Hon Frank Dobson MP, Secretary of State for Health 1997 -99 Principal speakers Dr Eric Watts, co-chair DFNHS: Why Doctors for the NHS  is needed now. Dr Peter Fisher, founding member of the NHS Consultants’ Association and President of DFNHS: The expansion of the NHS Consultants’ Association into Doctors….

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Letter to MP about NHS Reforms & Cancer (NE Essex)

Dear Brooks Newmark (MP for Braintree, Essex), I am writing to you to express my concerns about the Coalition’s proposed re-organisation of the NHS. As a hospital consultant working in Colchester and treating many of your constituents I had got used to the “constant change to give the illusion of progress” agenda of the previous….

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The Fight to Save Britain’s NHS

The following remarks were delivered to the Annual Meeting of Physicians for a National Health Program in Washington, D.C., on Oct. 29 2011 My American husband said – talk slowly otherwise they won’t understand your accent. Added to that handicap I have rather lost my voice so I’m really hoping you can understand me today…..

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The pot, the kettle and the big stick

As from April 1st 2011, Hospital Trusts will be fined for every breach of the privacy and dignity rules sanctioned by the Government1. These rules decree that where patients have to share their sleeping accommodation with members of the opposite sex, the offending Trust will be fined £250 for every day that the breach persists…..

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Peter Fisher writing in The Guardian

In the Response column (29th April) Dr Howard Stoate* sets the record straight showing that David Cameron was wrong, as well as patronizing, at PMQ. However Dr Stoate’s explanation goes much further in undermining the justification for the Health and Social Care Bill, which is claimed to be that of giving a bigger role for….

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Who is writing the obituary of the NHS?

Were you aware that David Nicholson was a one-time active member of the communist party and also emptied the nation’s lunatic asylums by chucking their inmates back into the community? Like Beeching (the railways’ executioner) but wearing a White Paper coat. Now he is the NHS Supremo, heading up the latest super-quango i.e. the….

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WR Positive Doctors

Although one would expect the current ills of the NHS to be multi-factorial it has been suggested that much of this is down to the Wayne Rooney syndrome, where the exorbitant financial demands of superstar footballers and their tetchy relationships with managers are bankrupting football clubs1. It was also suggested that the NHS in the….

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Lib Dem MPs disagree with Conservatives on health policy reform

Liberal Democrat MPs are more closely aligned with Labour than with Conservatives on health policy, new research into MPs? opinions on the NHS reveals. As the Health and Social Care Bill progresses through Parliament, it appears that MPs are split along traditional party lines on issues like GP commissioning and outsourcing to the private sector…..

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Mark Aitken – Essex County Standard

Anglian Community Enterprise’s (ACE) plans to help more people to lead healthier lives sounds exciting, but no matter how keenly you follow a healthy lifestyle none of us are going to live for ever. Sooner or later we will find ourselves in need of hospital treatment and for those living in and around Colchester we….

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